
Tactile Working Memory Scale

Working Memory is the ability to keep something in mind for a limited amount of time. Working Memory is central to daily life; it is “critical for planning, problem solving, understanding complex topics, and learning new things” (TWMS handbook). In this unique assessment, we assess the tactile working memory in order to “design tools and strategies so that ensure that [people with congenital deafblindness] can develop and make use of all their potentials, both cognitively and linguistically” (TWMS) handbook).

The Tactile Working Memory Scale (TWMS) was developed by the Nordic Welfare Centre (Norway). It is a positive, strength-based, dynamic assessment that evaluates the tactile working memory in persons with congenital deafblindness. Suggestions and strategies are provided to help Intervenors ensure that the person with deafblindness they are supporting is able to make use of their potentials - cognitively, linguistically, and socially. POPDB Teacher-Consultants Meaghan Bresser, Emily McGreevy, and Allana Pierce received supervisory training in the TWMS and are working with the POPDB team on using the scale. 

If you're interested in learning more about the Tactile Working Memory Scale, see the Professional Development section on the POPDB website.

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Tactile Working Memory Scale Assessment Document

Play-Based Assessment

The Provincial Outreach Program for Students with Deafblindness (POPDB) partnered with the Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired (PRCVI) and Surrey School District's Deafblind Team to pilot a project using the Transdisciplinary Play-Based van Dijk Assessment (TPBVDA). The teams were motivated by van Dijk's approach to the assessment of students with complex developmental profiles, including visual and auditory differences. 

For a detailed explanation of the TPBVDA, please see the write-up on the PRCVI website.

If you'd like more information on the TPBVDA, please talk to your POPDB Teacher-Consultant.